February 21, 2023 | Case Study

Regeneron and MyCareerPath

MyCareerPath pilot programme with Regeneron Galway.
Department Name: Supply Chain
Industry: Biotechnology
Keywords: Upskilling, Career Assessment, Career Learning Pathways, eLearning Courses, RPL Toolkit, Career Guidance, Workplace Learning, 1-to-1 Mentoring.

What We Did

1. Business Needs Assessment

Discussed future challenges of the organisation.
A focus on the Regeneron Way in valuing all employees and developing open and curious mindsets to thrive.

2. Planning Phase

Engaged with employees and HR to develop the pathway programmes

3. Onboarding

Met with employees to provide information on how to register onto the programme.
Highlighted the benefit, the process and the importance of 1-2-1 mentorship and support to achieve personal goals.

4. Engagement

Employees meet with their career advisors throughout their journey, building rapport and trust in achieving personal growth and successfully navigating resources on MyCareerPath

Additional support provided by RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) Co-ordinators.

5. Evaluation & Outputs

Evaluated learners experience of the pathways and measured against Regeneron objectives.


Regeneron is a leading biotechnology company that invents life-transforming medicines for people with serious diseases. My CareerPath worked with employees across all departments of the company.

Step 1


Supporting Regeneron for employee success and career development progression.
Step 2


A 4-stage mentored programme from career and learning pathway advisors.
Step 3


Employee engagement with skills assessments and e-learning resources. Empowering employees to be responsible for their own career progression plans.



Regeneron commenced IOPS (Industrial operations and product supply) in Raheen, Limerick in early 2014 and is Ireland’s Largest Biologics Production Site with a current headcount in excess of 1400 employees. Responsible for the production, quality and distribution of Regeneron products for patients worldwide.

MyCareerPath aligned with our organisation’s mission to develop and promote an entrepreneurial spirit, curiosity, innovation, flexibility, teamwork, and collaboration. Advancing our commitment to diversity, equity & inclusion is a natural extension of our mission to improve lives.

We felt that the Career and Learning Pathways could contribute to the Regeneron Way of:

  • Supporting employees in managing and progressing their careers within Regeneron.
  • Encouraging employees to be curious and innovative in understanding their abilities and capabilities to achieve their full potential.
  • Encouraging employees to develop their skills and knowledge to support current and future business needs.
  • Recognising the need to be agile and responsive to organisational goals.
  • Assisting employees in exploring further education to help achieve their personal goals.
  • Guiding employees to understand what recognition of prior learning is – and how this can enable their progression within the organisation.
  • Developing employees’ confidence across the five main areas of employability.
  • Building networks within the organisation.

“The overall aim of piloting and collaborating with MyCareerPath.ie was to support and empower employees to manage skills and knowledge to thrive within Regeneron. It also encourages career management and progression, while promoting further development through programmes of study that improve regional and national output.”

Chosen Pathways

Career and Learning Pathways

The MyCareerPath Team introduced the five distinct pathways, (which are individually tailored) at an onsite Careers Fair and by webinar.

A group of employees signed up to begin their pathways assigned to their own dedicated advisors.

21 Participants
11 x Career Accelerator
8 x Mastery
2 x Dream Builder

Career Pathways: Visit Our Pathways page fore more

Output from the Process

Employee Career Development Plan

  • Employees receive guidance from a qualified Careers Guidance Advisor on the 5 pillars of employability
  • Employees have clearly defined parthways and transversal skills gaps analysis
  • Employees are more engaged in career development plans
  • Access to e-learning resources to support career learning goals
  • Recognition of prior learning information
  • A Career and Development Plan with SMART Goals and future career objectives


Noel O’Donnell, Regeneron, Learner

“I have gained so much confidence from this that I’m going to enrol in a course – something which I would never have even considered before.”

Freeda Moore, Regeneron, Learner

“I received assurance that I have chosen the right career path. It was also great to hone-in on areas of special interest – because beforehand, I wanted to do a course to progress for progression sake. Now, with my Career & Learning Pathway Advisor’s help – I have found a course that I am passionate about, that will serve to future-proof my career.”

Lloyd Whyte, Associate Director HR, Regeneron

“The career learning pathway provides a very interactive and instrumental career development framework for the participants.

They receive honest assessment of their strengths and unrealised strengths which is supplemented with engaging and motivating coaching from guidance professionals leading to greater informed career choices.”

Overall feedback from Regeneron on the Platform, Career Assessments and E-learning tools:

Learners found the career assessments particularly useful, gaining deeper insights into their individual personality, strengths, values and motivations. It was helpful in guiding people to see how this knowledge is impactful in the workplace. Our 1-to-1 Career Guidance support proved extremely beneficial in identifying transversal skills gaps, building confidence and the motivation to engage in conversations for career progression, transversal skills development, and further study needs.


Participants took part

Chosen from a range of levels across the department over an 6-8 week period


Overall logins

eLearning Hub visited 191 times Careers Assessments completed 59 times


Activities completed

eLearning Resources viewed 207 times
MyExperience.ie visited 14 times
58 Assessments taken

Have you applied for an ATU course?
Yes (Supply Chain Management, Biotech, HR)
Did you find the online service accessible, easy to navigate and available 24/7?
Would you recommend the service?
  • 100% rated highly online element
  • Personal mentors giving motivation and confidence on career development and future learning opportunities
  • Top Career Tools used: Strengths & Personality Profile, Management Style and Employability Pulse
  • Top e-Learning Courses: 5 Ways to Categorise Your Strengths & Skills, Career Planning, Setting Objectives, Leadership & Management Skills, An Introduction to Preparing Presentations

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