Forward Emphasis International with MyCareerPath

What We Did
1. Business Needs Assessment
Assisted early career employees in the insurance and risk profession in understanding their career fit within this profession.2. Planning Phase
Met with the Irish Insurance Institute to discuss the needs of the insurance and risk profession. Met with Forward Emphasis International to understand their particular needs and develop a customised programme for those in the early stages of their careers.3. Onboarding
Online presentation of customised programme to participants, including timelines, anticipated outcomes, and Q&A sessions.4. Engagement
All participants had individual appointments using online booking system, with our qualified Career and Learning Pathways Advisers to develop their own learning pathways Learners were guided through their learning by the advisors and undertook a series of personality, strengths and motivation assessments to help them understand their best fit with the industry.5. Evaluation & Outputs
Evaluations highlighted the significant benefits of to employees. Engagement with the sector, the organisation and with professional career development was measured through an internal review process.Summary
MyCareerPath collaborated with Forward Emphasis International (FEI) and the Insurance Institute of Ireland to create a unique programme to inspire early career stage employees in the insurance and risk profession to engage with continuing professional development and understand their career paths within the industry.
We developed an online educational programme for this cohort which addresses the challenges faced by those in the early stages of their career and has equipped employees with a foundation of knowledge, opportunities, and education goals. The tailored service included:
- 1-2-1 online mentoring with qualified guidance consellors
- Career paths and progression routes matched to the organisation’s needs
- Skills gap analysis, career and strengths assessments
- E-learning courses and tools supported by AI
- Advice on further educational needs
Support early career stage employees in the insurance and risk profession.Process
Collaborated with Forward Emphasis to develop a customised pathway programme.Goal
Early career stage employees will develop an understanding of career fit and opportunities within insurance and risk profession.Input
FEI is a Regulated Business Services Outsourcing company, specialising in the delivery, and processing of complex customer transactions across multiple industries, whilst specialising in the Insurance and Financial Services sector. They offer a range of accredited courses and certifications in these areas and tailor their training programs to meet the specific needs of their clients.
FEI employs over 250 people in the insurance sector and pride themselves on being a centre of employee excellence and development. They have invested in several employee engagement platforms to move the business forward in an environment where retaining and engaging employees is of upmost importance.
MyCareerPath worked with Forward Emphasis (and the Irish Insurance Institute) to bring their early career stage employees through a customised programme, the aim was to:
- Support early career employees in the insurance and risk profession to understand their career fit within this profession.
- Prepare employees for internal career advancement and promotion.
- Encourage employees to be curious and innovative in understanding their abilities and capabilities.
- Motivate employees to identify suitable learning and development opportunities to support their career.
- Understand the insurance and risk sector and recognise the need to be adaptable to meet future business needs.
“The overall aim of piloting and collaborating with was to support and recognise the importance of employee development in the insurance and risk profession, encourage career management and progression, and promote further development through education and training.”
Chosen Pathways
Customised Pathway
Early Career in the Insurance and Risk Profession
10 participants

Output from the Process
Employee Career Development Plan
- Employees receive guidance from a qualified Career Advisor
- Customised pathway developed to support early career employees in the insurance and risk profession to understand career fit and meet business objectives
- Employees have an understanding of steps they need to take for their future goals
- Employees are more engaged
- Access to resources to support learning goals
- Guided support throughout process
- Preparation for internal promotions
- Confidence to pursue a rewarding career in the insurance and risk profession
Erin McDermott, Learner
“I found the Career Assessments extremely beneficial, especially in identifying my strongest skills, boosting my confidence in using them, and realising the need to be more confident and make better use of my skills and resources. My Career Advisor provided great support throughout the online process. I am now motivated to apply this knowledge to my career development and aim for an internal promotion in the future.”
Shane McGonagle, Learner
“It helped me re-focus and reflect on what I have accomplished and what I need to achieve to progress in my career. It provided me with a clear roadmap for reaching my goals while also identifying some goals that I wasn’t aware of previously.”
Overall feedback from Forward Emphasis on the Platform, Career Assessments and E-learning tools:
The feedback received from Forward Emphasis on their learners using the MyCareerPath platform, Career Assessments, and E-Learning Tools has been overwhelmingly positive. According to the evaluations conducted by Forward Emphasis, 100% of the learners felt more motivated upon completion of the programme. Additionally, 90% of the participants believed that the programme equipped them with the necessary skills and confidence to advance internally within their organisation. Furthermore, 60% of the respondents agreed that the programme helped them realise that the insurance sector was a suitable career choice for them. Finally, 90% of the learners reported that after completing the programme, they had developed a greater appreciation for their current role and were more motivated.
Participants took part
90% felt more motivated in their role at FEI after using
Feels like the insurance sector suits them
50% think will have a long lasting impact on their career
Activities completed
eLearning Resources viewed 271 times
19 CVs uploaded
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Personal Mentors gave learners motviation and confidence on career development and future learning opportunities
Top Career Tools used: Strengths & Personality Profile, Management Style, and Employability Pulse
Top e-Learning Courses: 5 Ways to Categorise your Strengths & Skills, Career Planning, Setting Objectives, Leadership & Management Skills, An Introduction to Preparing Presentations