Make your experience count
If you do not have the qualifications to study your preferred course, remember that your previous work experience may count and could gain you credits to join the course in year two.
Learning happens everywhere, not only through formal education, but also through experience in work, volunteering, and involvement in sporting or community groups. ATU recognises this learning and gives it value through a process called Recognition of Prior Learning, or RPL.
Use Recognition of Prior Learning for:
Entry to a Programme
All programmes have entry criteria aligned with the National Framework of Qualifications. RPL may be used as an alternative means to satisty entry criteria. -
Advanced entry to a Programme
Advanced entry to a programme is where one joins a programme in year 2, 3 or 4. An applicant will be considered for advanced entry following a process of assessment where they satisfactorily demonstrate they have learning equivalent to the overall learning of the previous stage(s). -
Module exemptions
A fundamental principle of Recognition of Prior Learning is that one should not have to relearn something previously learned. It may be reasonable for a registered student to apply for an exemption for a module(s) on evidencing prior certified or experiential learning.
Contact the RPL Team
Explore Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Make your experience count. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process whereby evidence of learning (formal, non formal or informal) that has taken place prior to enrolment in Higher Education is given value.
With RPL, prior learning can count towards entry, advanced entry, credit or exemptions from modules.