Strengths PATH Programme for Young Learners
The Strengths PATH Programme offers an online resource tailored for pre-entry young learners (16-18 years) who are looking to explore potential career areas and courses.
The Strengths PATH Programme helps learners to identify strengths in four easy steps:
Understanding Strengths
Realised Strengths – strengths that you use regularly and enjoy
Unrealised Strengths – strengths you should use more
Learned Behaviours – strengths that you are not good at but can do
Weakness – things you find hard and don’t enjoy
Discover Your Strengths
Engage in the personalised strengths profile assessment to uncover your unique talents and areas for growth. Gain deep insights into your abilities and discover aspects of yourself you’ve yet to explore.
Reflecting on Strengths
Review your strengths and careers profile reports to focus on areas for enhancement. Choose a course and career that aligns to your strengths, which will give you a greater sense of fulfilment and achievement.
Link Strengths to Courses
Make an appointment with a Qualified Careers Adviser to discuss your options.
Strengths Definition
Click your strength on the attached wheel and hover over the words associated with that strength for a more detailed definition.
The programme offers remote access, allowing learners time for self-reflection to engage in various reflective activities and interactive tools in an online platform.
By catering to each individual’s unique strengths, the programme empowers young learners to begin charting their own career journey and help them to chose the right course or work option.
Psychometric Strengths Assessment Personalised Career Reports
One-to-one Career Guidance Development of a personalised Career Pathway
Knowing and understanding your strengths brings many benefits to your life, including:
Improved performance
Health and wellbeing

Want to know more?
Career Advisor Testimonial
“We were delighted for our students to take part in the Pilot Strengths PATH Profile Workshops with ATU over the past two years. We found the Strengths PATH workshop allowed our students to think about themselves and their abilities in a new light and they reported having increased self confidence in considering their study options into higher education.
We are looking forward to Coláiste Muire Máthair, Galway now taking part in the new online programme, as we believe it will add value and be an excellent resource for our teachers and guidance counsellors who are working with our young people as they consider their future career options”.
Clíona Ní Neill Deputy Principal Coláíste Muire Máthair Galway