Find the right course for you

Our flexible online programme spans 12 hours over four days, empowering you to confidently navigate your career and course decisions. With personalised one-on-one guidance from our dedicated career advisors, you can progress at your own pace, dedicating just three hours each day to your future.

Suitable for:

  • 5th year students, starting your college research journey.
  • 6th year and need some help with your CAO choices.
  • In college and feeling unsure if your course is the right one for you?

What to Expect

  • 1:1 Career Advice

    4 hours of in-person or online individual 1-2-1 personalised sessions with experienced career advisers
  • CAO & Course Exploration

    Research and refine your options
  • Psychometric Assessments

    Discover your strengths and align them with your goals and motivations
  • Skills Building

    Personal Statement, college supports and scholarships
  • Goal Setting

    Plan your next steps with confidence


  • Day 1: Discover Your Strengths & Motivations

    Psychometric Assessments including: Strengths Profile, Personality assessment and Interest Profiler
  • Day 2: Explore Your Options

    Pathways to Further & Higher Education (CAO, UCAS, Apprenticeships, Scholarships and PLC’s)
  • Day 3: Find The Right Course For You

    Find the course that aligns with your strengths and personality
  • Day 4: Plan Your Next Steps

    Goal setting & action planning. Plan your future with confidence!
  • PLUS: 

    A complimentary online 1-2-1 follow-up session after 3 months to keep you on track!

This virtual programme is tailored for 5th and 6th year secondary school students starting their college research, and college students who are unsure about their current course or future career path.

The programme is delivered virtually through a combination of self-paced learning modules and online 1-2-1 sessions with career advisors. You’ll complete most of the work online at your own pace, with personalised dedicated time with your very own careers advisor.

You’ll receive personalised 1-to-1 guidance to help you find the right course, explore your options, and make confident decisions, along with psychometric tests, skills-building support, and a follow-up session to ensure you stay on track—all in a flexible, online format.

You will have access to online learning materials (videos, interactive tasks, and quizzes) that you can complete at your own pace during the week. These modules are designed to guide you through the process of career exploration, course research, and personal development.

You’ll have one-on-one virtual meetings with a career advisor to discuss your personal goals, review your assessment results, and get tailored guidance. These sessions are booked online at a time that suits your calendar.

The programme includes psychometric assessments, an interest profiler, and personality assessments (e.g., Myers-Briggs). These will help you understand your strengths, personality traits, and career preferences, and you’ll discuss the results during your 1-2-1 sessions.

The programme costs €295 per student.

This programme is designed to help you explore various educational pathways and determine which courses align best with your strengths and career goals. You’ll receive expert advice tailored to your individual needs.

Once you have signed up and paid for the course, you will receive your individual registration link. Once registered, you will receive access to the self-learning platform and be able to schedule your 1-2-1 sessions with an advisor.

Absolutely! This programme is perfect for anyone who feels unsure about their next steps. Whether you’re undecided about your course or career, we’ll help you gain clarity and confidence.

The self-paced nature of the programme allows flexibility. While we encourage you to finish the modules within the scheduled week, you’ll still have access to the materials for a set period afterward (typically 1-2 weeks) so you can complete them at your own pace.

In addition to the 1-2-1 sessions, you’ll have access to online resources and a helpdesk for any technical or content-related questions. Our team is available to provide support via email during the programme.

The programme is designed for students, but parents are welcome to attend the final 1-2-1 session if you wish to discuss your child’s career and education options with the career advisor.

This is a self-paced programme, so you can complete the modules at a time that suits you. Your 1-2-1 sessions will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time during the programme week.

No special software is required. You will need a computer or tablet with an internet connection.

Yes! You will have a complimentary follow-up 1-2-1 session with one of our career advisors 3-months after the programme, to review your progress and discuss any further questions or support you may need.

After registering, you’ll receive an email with instructions to book your 1-2-1 sessions via an online scheduling tool. You’ll be able to choose a time that works best for you.

Take charge of your future today!

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